Saturday, December 3, 2011

Do you want a lollipop? Really!!! Are you serious!!!-Weigh in day

So today was weigh in day and I headed to the center.  I get there and walk in the door and little miss 20 year old size two looks at me and says, "Do you want a lollipop?"  She is presenting me with a cup a lollipops shaped like Santa's head.  I say, "No thanks", but I am thinking in my head, "Really are you serious?!! I am here to lose weight, I have things that tempted me all the time but I resist them.  You are supposed to be supporting this behavior and instead you are offering a frickin lollipop!!  Which by the way are pure sugar and very unhealthy!!!!"  She obviously just does not get it, a weight loss place is not a place for lollipops!!  While I am waiting, I see here offering them to several other people one and  everyone says no, and she looks at one of her co-workers and says, "Why doesn't anyone want a lollipop?"  I am thinking, "DUH!!!! First we are trying to lose weight and Second we are above the age of five!!!" 

So on to the news of the day...I lost 4.5 pounds this week and I guess somewhere along the way I missed a couple of .5 pounds in my weigh ins because I asked her subtract my current weight from my starting weight and I have lost 40.5 pounds in 6 weeks!!!!  I am so amazed and happy though I still can not tell a difference in my actual body.  I know it is hard when you look in the mirror every day.

I have 3 weeks until Christmas and I really would like the total to be 50 pounds by Christmas.  You know a little Christmas gift to myself...

I am in California next week, which is always a little more stressful for my body between traveling, time change, and having to eat out alot!!  I am planning on bring some Kashi bars for when I need them and to allow me to have some more control! 

I am looking forward to next year, I am envisioning this time next year that I can spend some weekends doing 5Ks and celebrating the fact that my health is better.  By the way, I may have to start a fund raising drive for the plastic surgery I am going to need afterwards to have the excess skin removal. It is a fact of life that after you lose large amounts of weight that the skin just does not snap back, especially if you have had children.  Depending on how many areas I need to have done I am realistically looking at needing $14,000 to $36,000 or more depending on how many body areas are affected and here is the kicker that makes me want to throw up.  Most insurances will not cover it unless you can document that the excess skin is causing issues and even in cases where you can document issues, the insurance will usually only cover it if the weight loss is a result WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY versus the person doing it themselves by making major life changes.  I just do not get it!! So why is it if I make a committment to myself and eat healthy and exercise and through that lose the weight over a period of time showing that I am serious that I am going to be punished by the insurance company.   I have got awhile before this is an issue, but please if you know any rich people that would willing to help a motivated girl out in about a year and half  or a plastic surgeon that you know that would be willing to do the surgery for free, please send them my way. 

Well time to hang with the family and enjoy my weekend...

Talk to you later....

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