Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fat...but I will not

Everywhere you look there are temptations during the Christmas season, whether it is cookies, candies, alcoholic drinks, or even just the holiday meal yet again.  I am even tempting myself by making cookies with C.  She enjoys making cookies for Santa and I am not going to change this tradition just because I am dieting.  Resisting these temptations only make me stronger inside. 

Today was a good food day as I managed to get all my meals in and they tasted good,  For breakfast, I made a strawberry-banana non fat yogurt smoothie.  It was so good and hit the spot this morning.  It did not have as much fiber as Kashi cereal but it was made with good things that make my body stronger.  Lunch was a salad with avocado, cucumbers, and cauliflowers.   Another wonderful lunch.
Dinner was a weight watcher sweet and sour chicken.

By the way, does anyone know a good recipe to bring to a party that is low in fat and tastes fabulous and is hearty enough that that it can soak up alcohol.  F and I along with C will be going to a warm drink party for the holiday season,  The hosts are making those warm drinks associated with the holidays like mulled wine, gluhwein, etc and ask that you bring a dish to share that will help soak up the alcohol so we all do not get to drunk..HELP!!  

Tomorrow is a weigh in day and I hoping for a big number, but whatever happens happens..

Well time to clean up the kitchen in  preparation for cookie making tomorrow.

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest a hearty whole-grain based salad. Brown rice or quinoa with some chickpeas, tahini lemon dressing, and chopped veggies. Light, filling, and the grains are very absorbing!
