Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cheesy Grits!! Really!!! I can resist them! and why I blog..

So I started my day with a no-fat no sugar added Mixed Berry Oat bran muffin.. It was pretty good and then it was time for meetings.  After my second meeting, we went to the conference room for a farewell party for one off members of another team and there was cake and breakfast there. Everyone was talking about how good the Cheesy grits were and I was not tempted at all. All I could think is if the food name contains the word CHEESY that meansit is swimming in fat!! Today was a busy day because we are trying to get alot of work done.  I went done around noon and got a turkey sandwich and salad.  It took awhile for me to make time to start eating and I had the salad and half the sandwich.  After that I was full so I worked some more and finally left work at 5:45 pm.  I am having salmon and a crab cake for dinner.

So I felt like I have to share why I am so into blogging.  First I find it very cathartic to get out how I am feeling and what challenges I am facing.  Secondly, you guys keep me honest!  I want to be honest about what I am eating and how I am doing..knowing that I am going to have to blog and share it makes me think, "do I really want to blog that I ate that?'  Not that anyone would judge me ot think bad of me but once I write it, it will be out there for everyone to see.  Does that mean that there won't be a time that I decide to go ahead and have something that is not healthy?  No it just means that I will have to face writing it in black and white. 

I hope that my challenges and decisions make it easier for someone else in the same position. 

Talk to you later..

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