Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Being the good wife and mommy....it is hard job..

So I am cooking for Thanksgiving this week and for alot of my recipes I am looking for ways to cut the fat, carbs, and calories.  While this journey is a huge part of my life, I have to remember sometimes that there are 2 other people that I live with and they do not have the weigth problem I have, so or F and C I made an apple pie and there was nothing low fat or low carb about this creation.  It is an apple and pear pie with a lattice pie crust top and then you mix butter, brown sugar, sugar, flour and water, cook that on the stove in to this liquid and pour it over the lattice top to the pie.  It smells fabulous...but that pie will not be eaten by me that is purely an F and C dessert.  I am still trying to decide if I am going to make the Pumpkin Mousse that is low fat-low sugar..I guess I will see how work goes tomorrow because if I am too exhausted, it will be a no go or if I have a really bad day and I am craving foods then I won't make it either because I do not want to eat a whole big bowl of pumpkin mousse. 

So before I get to the what I had today, let me talk about trying to find things to replace sweets and how if something sounds too good to be true it probably is!!!  So when we were grocery shopping on Sunday, I found a "ice cream replacement" called Artic Zone thats advertising on the packaging noted that the whole pint of this "delicious" replacement was only 135 calories!!  One serving was 37 calories...I bought the Mint Chocolate Cookie flavor and looked forward to satisfying my ice cream craving with a sensible 37 calorie serving.. So here is my honest assessment, IT SUCKS!!! It tasted nothing like ice crean or even a sorbet.  It had no mint flavor I could detect. Worse of all it left my mouth feeling like it had an oily coating!! Not a pleasant experience after two bites I was done and no I am not going to try another flavor....

I had my typical Kashi cereal for Breakfast and protein bar for lunch.  Dinner was a frozen Healthy Choice Steamerwith whole grain pasta that was good..peppers, broccoli and light sauce.   It was so good.  Very light but met that pasta void that I have been missing. 

Update on AA for those who are interested...I called and said that I was requesting that I not have to see him again. That I was fine with the Resident and loved Dr. G  but that I would leave immediately if he walked into my room.  That of course got me the office manager that tried to find out why I was upset.  I told the whole story....she asked if I thought I was just being sensitive....REALLY?? I told her no, that luckily I have a good support system or his cruel comments and tone could have set back my weight loss progress.  She said that she would talk to him regarding my complaint and asked if I would be willing  to talk to him to discuss the issue.  I told her while I am sure that she is really good at convincing him that he should apologize, that I felt that I had seen his true colors and any apology would be meaningless.  I would not recommend him to anyone and that I am serious when I say that I will walk out of the office if he ever comes in to see me again. 
I am looking forward to losing more weight...

Talk to you later....


  1. eating healthy isn't only for people with a weight problem. eating healthy means a long and happy life, with less chances of long term illness and disease. Just because F and C are healthy on the OUTSIDE (ie-weight), doesn't mean you making yummy and healthy food for them won't be good for them on the INSIDE!

  2. I totally agree and I am starting slowly with the two of them...C eats healthy most the time...Loves fruits and veggies...In fact if we would just let her she would probably be a vegetarian if it was up to her. F is a different story he is going to take a while to change and it is going to be a small battle..so I am starting slowly with him and making the changes as I can..
