Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Are cupcakes an addiction?

This is not my typical blog post mainly because it is 4:00 am and there is no new updates on what I have had to eat or done to help me meet my goal of getting healthy, but I wanted to share some information with the people reading my blog.  I made a post a few days ago about being a fast food addict and when I made the post it was joking tone, but I read an article yesterday that struck a chord with me.  I will post the link for you to read as well. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-07/fatty-foods-addictive-as-cocaine-in-growing-body-of-science.html  

So if the research in the article is true, has the food industry been encouraging this addictive behavior? 

Now let me make it clear I am not saying that my weight issue is not my fault.  I make the choices in my life about what to eat and how much I eat.  I have seen the affect that the choices that I have made has had on body but I was willing to continue.  I can make better choices and change what I eat, but it makes me worry about our children.  When I pick my daughter up from school, I am surprised about how many of the children are obese.  If this article is correct, have the food choices that we make for them already affect them so much that the fight against obesity is going to be a uphill challenge for these children for their entire lives?  Luckily my daughter does not have a weight issue, she loves vegetables and fruits and is physically active, but I can see myself becoming more way more aware about foods she puts in her body and when because I never want her to struggle with this issue..

So this is my rant.. next post will be back to our regularly scheduled programming..

On a side note, I am surprised and pleased to see I have visitors to my blog from foreign countries like Russia, Greece, England, and of course Germany. 

Thanks for reading....

1 comment:

  1. For a much more detailed and compelling read on the science of food addiction, pick up The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler. It will amaze you. It changed my outlook completely.
