Friday, November 4, 2011

Are you the Saboteur?

There was TV show on a few years ago like a mix between Amazing Race and Spy called "The Mole"  The premise was a group of people working together to complete tasks and among them was a Mole whose job it was to sabotage the mission.  Then at the end of the show the contestants would take a quiz answering questions about who the saboteur was and the contestant that scored the lowest on the test was eliminated.   I loved that show and usually I could figure out who the saboteur was, but in terms of the changes I am making to my life the Saboteur is not as easy to identify.  It is those people that for whatever reason do not want you to change and they make those comments like, "It is just a little ----fill in the blank. It won't kill you." or "Don't be such a killjoy it is a party live a little".  These are people that in a regular light without you trying to change everything about how you eat would be your friends, co-workers, and family...I met a few last week at the Baby Shower, when they kept making comments that I should get something to eat even though I had already said "No Thank you, I am trying to be healthier" 

Now luckily so far I have more cheerleaders than saboteurs.  These are the people that encourage even your smallest steps, send you low fat recipes, and in general make sure that you feel good about the changes you are making.  My husband, F, is a great cheerleader so far but I am watching for the saboteur that could be buried deep especially as I lose more weight, because he loves to share things like Chocolate bars from Germany.  We would open up a chocolate bar and share it as we watched TV at night.  I know, he misses that and is now "being forced" to eat the whole bar himself. 

So on to my day in food, I had some Kashi Go Lean for breakfast.  My favorite when I am home.  For Lunch I had a cup of the left over mushroom rice from last night and I am going to eat a Lean Cuisine frozen dinner before I head to the soccer field for C's soccer game. Since afterwards, we usually go out for pizza with a couple of parents/kids from the team and I do not want to tempted to throw it all away on some pizza because I am starving.  This gives me the excuse to say I ate before the game and just have a small salad at the restaurant.  Hopefully, there won't be any saboteurs there trying to guilt me in to eating pizza, but if they are I will remember my cheerleaders and dig deep and resist.  Hey if I can resist Halloween candy, then I can resist pizza.

Tomorrow is weight in day.  Wish me luck and big numbers!

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