Saturday, May 19, 2012

Self Therapy..

I am doing some self evaluation, because I have a hard time making friends.  I really think that the 13 years I spent in school, basically being tortured every day about my weight has basically made me so self concious in social situations...I am fine at work, because just like my childhood that is where I excel, but you put me in a situation with a bunch a women my age and I automatically feel like an outsider.  Usually what happens is that I make friends at work and can sometimes carry that over to the social aspect .  I am much better in small groups and tend to have a few good friends.   Since we moved from Virginia, I feel like I have made one or two friends down here...Most the people I "hang with" are F's friends from work.  I really need a good friend that will call me up on  Saturday night and declare a girls night out...or ask if the two familys could go out to dinner together...I am really missing those relationships..  How do I break out of this shell...

I was not able to go weigh in today because C had a soccer practice, nobody said anything about how I look...I know that sounds like I am begging for compliments!! I am now home and cleaning the house some more for a sleep over tonight...Me, F, C and 2 to 3 girls from C's schools.  We are calling it "The End of School BFF's Party"

Talk to later since I will probably be up ALL NIGHT LONG!!!

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