Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nothing improves my mood more than..

I went clothes shopping today and usually this is something I dread.  I hated trying on clothes because nothing ever looked good on me and besides while I could delude myself that I was not looking that bad, nothing drives home the point that your weight is out of control more than realizing that you have limited selction of choices at the plus size store because you are one of the higher sizes.  So basically, I would have to take what I could get and elastic was my friend..Well I went in today and grabbed pants in a size smaller and a couple 2 sizes smaller than I used to wear.  I grabbed a bunch of tops in the smaller sizes and even grabbed a top that was three sizes smaller (by accident I had grabbed the wrong size and did not realize it) and headed to the dressing room.

I decided I would try the pants that were 2 sizes smaller first to get an idea how far away from that size I was so I could decide how many pants to buy.  Well lo and behold I slipped them up my body and went to button them and had no trouble doing so!!!  THEY FIT!!!  I felt like a Progresso commercial, I wanted to start calling a perfect stranger to announce my joy!! F and C were at the video game store using her Visa gift card so there was no one to grab and hug.  About that time, I hear C calling for me and decided to walk out and show my new pants off.  F said those look good on you and then I announced that it was 2 sizes smaller and we high fived in the middle of the store.  I got a couple more pairs of the smaller size and I tried them on and they all fit!!  It was not a fluk, I had lost two sizes in my pants.  Then It was time to try on tops and I tried on several tops and in the 2 sizes smaller and F thought they all looked good though I do not really NEED tops because a baggy top is easier to wear for longer.   I grabbed the top that was the wrong size and slipped it on and headed out.  F said it looked really good and then noticed the size due a sticker on the shirt and said is that really that size?  I was amazed it was!!! I had a shirt on that was 3 sizes smaller and I did not look like a stuffed sausage!!  It looked good on me!!  Even though I had not planned on buying a shirt, I had to buy it just so I could put it on and say I had that size on my body!! 

So I bought 2 pairs of pants and the shirt and left the store smiling.  The part that makes me smile even more is that I am 2 to 3 pants sizes away from being able to shop in the regular clothing stores and only 1 to 2 sizes away in tops.   The thought of the world of clothing that is opening up to me makes me so happy.  No longer will I have to settle for what fits but be able to have options in what I wear.

For Breakfast, I had a turkey sandwich mainly because I woke up really late so it was basically lunch time by the time I was ready to eat.  I ended up having a granola bar as an afternoon snack/lunch.  F and C were craving KFC for dinner.  I had to roll the window down on the way home because the smell of the grease was making me nauseous.  I will be making myself something healthy for dinner.  I have not decided what yet.  

Well this has been an uplifting New Years Day with all the more reason to stick to that New Year's Resolution to keep moving forward toward the healthy me. 

Take care everyone and if you enjoy my blog feel free to follow it.  I love sharing this journey with you.

Talk to you later....

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