Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cleaning House

I had a crazy day at work, I am trying to be super woman and do intergrated testing, making fixes in production, attending multiple phone conferences and still be a good wife and mother.  There are some major disdvantages to working from home when the your customer is in a different time zone.  While they may think nothing of having a meeting for hour starting at 5:00pm to prepare for a major project, for me that means working really late, while trying to make dinner, cuddle, gett a sweet little girl ready for bed and keep my sanity!!!  Sadly, I had to let down a friend that recently lost her father because I just could not get away.  I feel horrible about letting her down.

I happened  to be looking at some websites before worked started this morning and read something that I was so totally disgusted by, that I feel I have to share with all you Mom's out there.  In the late 70's, High Fructose Corn Syrup became an acceptable additive to our food supply to replace sugar.  I am hoping that I can post the picture so here we go...

So as you can see as our consumption of High Fructose Corn Sugar increased so did our rate of obesity.  High Fructose Corn Syrup in so prevalent in our foods in America that the aveage American consumes 70 pounds of it in a year.  As a parent, we may try to limit our childrens exposure by avoiding those foods that we know contain alot of  HFC, like regular sodas, but here is the shocking part....Did you know that a bottle of formula contains more HFC than a can of soda.  I let that think in and realized that if the studies that have shown the addictive nature of HFC in mice are true, we basically without our knowledge set up generations of children to struggle with obesity.  Why does formula need HFC?  Breast Milk does not contain it and those kids survive just fine...or could it be that the additive people realized that they had a captive audience.  I hate to think that way but I just do not get it.  Here is the kicker, now that people are looking for foods that do  not contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, the industry wants to change the name to "Corn Sugar".  Something to think about.. I had a smoothie for breakfast, (no HFC).  I had a breakfast food for Lunch, Oats Revolution, oatmeal.   Thanks J for that recommendation.  It is lower in calories than regular oatmeal, less carbs, and more fiber...and no HFC.  It was so good and hit the spot.  After my late phone call, I had to make a quick dinner so I had a Kashi frozen dinner.  No HFC.  An HFC free day!!

F asked my at 9:30 to make him a Hot Chocolate and I went to the pantry to find the packets adn I opened that door and it hit me.  I have a HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP paradise in my own house.  So I made his Hot Chocolate and grabbed the trash can and start cleaning out my pantry.  I took everything out and looked at everything in there.  I got rid of as much junk food as I could with out sending my family into a melt down over night.  I also found alot of expired food too.  I also found that I had multiples of things that I keep thinking I am out of because I can't find them in the disaster zone that was my pantry.  I dedicated two sheves to the ingrediants that are used frequently in cooking, especially when I am out of town and the nanny cooks dinner.  Then each member of the family got a shelf with their foods on it.  Well really F got a shelf and a half because he has alot of stuff.  C would be amazed how much candy and stale chips I found buried in the pantry and threw out. Once the pantry was done, I was energized so I ended up scrubbing down the whole kitchen.   It looks pretty good.  I bet F that C will not even notice that alot of her junk food is gone.  So what was the worse food that I found in the pantry?  TWINKIES!!!  We had a whole box with maybe 2 missing, but I must have been in a sugar coma when I bought them.  Well I am awake now and they will not be in my house again. 

I should get some sleep I have another busy, busy day tomorrow...

Take to you later. 

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