Sunday, January 22, 2012

Preparing myself for a couple of things...

I am preparing for my doctor's appointment this week for a physical and of course I am going in with expectations of tests that I want run.  Thanks CR for helping me out with some of the specifics.  I am hoping to get a bunch of lab tests done to rule out any physical factors that could be contributing to my weight issues, so that if there are any I can fix them now.  I will let you know how everything goes, I think my appointment is Thursday..

I am also preparing for a nasty work schedule that is coming up over the next month and a half..  I usually work every other week from home, but February I will be flying to CA every week for at least a couple of days of week.  On top of that I will be spending 2 weeks straight in CA in the beginning of March.  I hate this part of my job.  But this is also hard on my eating habits, because during this time I will be in the actual hospital with catered meals.  Of course, they can not order a special low fat meal for me, so I am going to be really stuck.  So far my plan includes taking Kashi Bars with me and having those for lunch.  I am also planning on taking my morning break and walking the two blocks to my cafe with the low-fat scones or smoothies depending on my mood.  Any other suggestions, would be appreciated, but the area I will be in will not have a fridge, so I can not bring anything that needs to be kept cool, which limits my choices. 

This morning, I woke up late and had a "brunch" of some left over German Potato salad.  F was making fun of me because it contained a little bacon and I was carefully picking out every single piece so I did not eat any.  He was the total would be less than a strip of bacon, but for me bacon while it does taste good, has very little redeeming value.  It is all fat, nitrates, and salt.  Nothing that contributes to my health.  Afternoon snack was an avocado  and some grapes  Dinner was a weight watcher meal, because it was late and I was starving. 

I am really looking foward to a smoothie tomorrow morning.

Talk to you later...take care!!

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