Thursday, January 26, 2012

Win some and lose some

Today, was my physical appointment and according to the scale at the MD's office I have lost another 4 pounds. I went in the room and after the nurse squeezed my arm so hard with the blood pressure cuff that I made a face.  I waited for the Dr.  F.  I have not seen since July, she is my PCP and I have not had reason to go to her...Anyway when she walked in the room and did not say a word.  We talked about our daughters, both of whom are 8, and then she started going through the review of systems, when she asked has there been any unexpected weight loss, I answered "No all  71 pounds has been worked very hard for."  She looked over at me a said..."How much"  so I repeated and she said, "that is great, I lost 30 pounds"  We compared some things that we had been eating..she wasked about my smoothie recipe.  Anyway on through the physical exam and on to the to more questions about the last time I had certain tests done.  I am overdue for a bunch, I know bad me!!!  I had to get my tetanus shot done. 

So then she asked if I had anything I wanted to discuss..I started talking about wanting to get a workup done for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.  She kind of rolled her eyes, then said okay I will add some hormone levels as well.  Here is where the new me came out and I said actually I have a list of labs I want run and I pulled out my piece of paper.  I had asked a friend that has PCOS and happened to be a Lab Person in a previous life (thanks CR) what tests I should ask for, and I started listing lab tests.  She was fine with most of them except the Glucose Tolerance Test, because she says that she can not justify it for the insurance just based on me wanting it and the symptoms that I was pointing out.  I did not back down though, I told her that this is my life and need to know that I am taking care of my body.  So she agreed, that if any of my other labs were borderline or abnormal, then she would order it immediately.  I think just to punish me, she added 3 basic labs, a urinalysis, and a mammogram. I must have grimaced when she said mammogram!!  She pointed out that I had a diagnostic done over 3 years ago and had never gotten my follow up one done.  Okay I admit that is true, but I moved in the meantime and they said it was fine...So after 10:00 tonight, nothing to eat for me and I have to take C to school in the morning and then head straight to the lab for blood work and a diagnostic mammogram, what a way to start my day..  She also mentioned that within the next 2 years, I can expect to have a colonoscopy...I immediately threw my husband, who is older than me and also sees Dr F, under the bus pointing out that he did not have to one.  She pointed out that I had a family history of Colon Cancer...I told her that my brother and father had been haing them for years and at least one of them refuses to have them done anymore. 

Really I think my colonoscopy phobia, comes from working, with a certain department when I lived in VA.  They were the bane of my existance and I have yet to meet a GI Doc that was nice...Ok it is an excuse I just do not want to do it..She said it is not this year, but within the next 2 years.  Ok, note to self over the next two years do stuff to distract her from ordering this test...

So there we go...I won some battles and lost some battles. 

I had a smoothie for Breakfast, Oatmeal for lunch and have not had Dinner yet...

That is it for the update....Taking care of my health is goal number one..

Talk to you later..Take Care.

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