Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The airplane story..Funny story...

So I was telling the story of the last time I flew home and the person said that story is priceless you really should share it on the blog...

So a week and half ago I was flying home from LA and I was were my pants that are my original size.  They are really loose, but I can still get away with them.  After sitting on the plane, for the second flight to home, I got up out of my seat and my pants are falling down...like literally half way down my butt.  I grabbed my pants, but as soon as I let go they would start sliding south.  So here I am at midnight trying to get my roller bag out of the over head bin with one hand because I am afraid that if I let go that the hundred people behind me are going to get a show and I personally have no desire to have a picture of my butt on the internet.  Finally a guy helps me get my bag looking at me weirdly that I refuse to move my left hand that is grabbing a handful of my pants.  I am walking down the concourse pulling my roller bag and suddenly I feel my underwear that is also my original size begin to slip as well. Ah crap I am at the point that I am passed the police and can not turn back to go the bathroom so I am trying to subtly reach into my pants to retrieve my under wear and hold it along with my pants to go the rest of the way to baggage claim. 

There is NOT a subtle way to do this....after finally managing the task.  I bet down to the baggage claim and it hits me...I have to get my other bag, my carry on roller bag, and myself to the taxi stand without my pants slipping off in the middle of the airport and I need a hand for each suitcase...CRAP I need a third arm....So instead the hand that carry on bag is holding it and my pants...I am occassionally hitting my foot with the carry on because it is so close.  That causes me to say ow...NOW I am sure that the people all around me thought I had enjoyed way too much alcohol on the plane...but for me there are worse things that could have happened....

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