Saturday, January 14, 2012

Weigh in day...3 Months results

So I weighed in this morning and I lost another 8 pounds.  That brings my 3 month total weight loss to 69 pounds!!!  That is right in 3 months, I am half way to my goal of 130 pounds...depending on how the next few months go I may have to revise my goal. 

F and I went out last night and had a good time.  C had her first warm up sonner practice for the spring season that starts in the next few weeks.  So we were up bright and early going to the soccer field. I dropped F and C off and then went to way in and came back and got them.

Today the plans include watching a playoff game.  I am a Saints fan!!  I just love that team and how they play. 

So I will write more later today....

Talk to you later!!!

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