Thursday, April 19, 2012

Watching the Biggest Loser

Ok...I know it was on Tuesday, but I am finally watching the show and I am a little disgusted...Here are these people that were given a chance to have full time dietician, personal trainer, and medical support to help them lose weight and to top it off they can win a lot of money.  Instead of being grateful, they whine because there is a twist in a game..  Do they know how many people would love to have those resources at their disposal.   Just had to say, stop whining!!!

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, it is with my GYN who I have not seen in 2 years, and I am wondering if she will notice the change...probably not she only saw me once and it was 2 years ago, but never the less a girl can hope. 

I keep thinking that when I reach my goal, that I would like to somehow use what I have learned to help others.  I am learning so much about myself and the struggles that I have went through and the road blocks that I have put in my way through out the years.  I wish I had made this decision a lot earlier.

I had some oatmeal for breakfast, a smoothie for lunch (which I thrilled to have again), and the teriakyi chicken that was in my fridge for dinner.

Talk to you later.....

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