Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Downright Ugly!!!

I will start with my food and then go into the Good, Bad, and Ugly.  I had a Vita-Top Muffin and a tomato and some cherries.    Lunch was Avocado and tomatoes.  Dinner was Chicken and vegetables.

GOOD:  As I was working I got a call from the Physician office were I go to weigh in, I thought it was the typical reminder phone call but instead it was one of the physicians in the practice that was calling because they were doing chart reviews today and my file was pulled and he was so amazed by my progress that he had to call and congratulate me!!  I was shocked to say the least.  It was quite a little boost to my ego that is for sure.

BAD: So I came up with this  crazy idea to challenge myself by doing a Yoga class every day this week.  It has been hard to do it and not feel guilty because C has an evening soccer camp this week and I have to leave for portions of it in order to go to class.  I love watching her practice.  I stood out in the heat and humidity for about 45 minutes and then rushed off to yoga class.  My muscles were achy from two straight days of yoga and I was struggling but determined to meet my challenge and then about half way through class when the migraine started and I struggled even more to just get through the class.  I was so grateful for the end to come and to just lay there and try to relax.   Am I going to let this stop me from doing this again tomorrow?  No WAY!!!

Ugly:  So this is really two things that are very much related.  I have loose skin....I have lost a large amount of weight and I am not young with elastic skin...It is located on my thighs, arms and abdomen!!  I try not to focus on it, but it is very noticeable when I am doing yoga especially doing any thing like downward dog or table.  When I look in the mirrors in the studio I can see it just hanging there, but I refuse to were Spanxs to the yoga studio!!!   So this loose skin has another side effect, it is a breeding ground for bacteria especially my lower abdomen and I ended up with a skin infection.  It is ugly looking!!!  I went to the doctor today and she prescribed an antibiotic to take, but she warned that until I get to loose skin removed I am at risk for these kind of things!! ARGH!!  I know too much information right?  Well it can not all be sunshine and rainbows, this is the ugly side of losing alot of weight..... So today we started the record that will hopefully help me fight with the insurance company to get them to pay for the plastic surgery when  I finally get down to my goal weight!! 

Okay enough whining!!

Take care and talk to you later!!

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