Friday, July 20, 2012

Vielen Vielen Vielen Danke!!! I am finally home again...Long blog ahead

So first I must start my blog by thanking my family in Germany, who went out of their way to make sure that the healthy options were plentiful and wonderful tasting.  It made this adventure so much easier!!  So where to begin....

AIRPLANE FOOD!!!  ARGH!!!  Ok It was really good that I planned ahead and made sure that I had some Kashi bars available for my long flights, because airplane food is impossible!!!  We flew First Class to and from Germany.  I was hoping that there would be at least some healthy options, but alas it was not to be at all.  I ended up taking cheese off of salads and trying to trying to eat the salads with out the dressings that were offered.  My husband ended up getting 2 desserts and I sent back entrees after just eating the vegetables a bite or two of the protien. 

Once in Germany, things were much let me start with the foods that I indulged in while I was there...I had 2 herring sandwiches...Hey do not knock it until you try one of my mother in law's yummy sandwiches on fresh bread!!!  I had a couple bites of Bratwurst and couple of bites of some fresh pretzels and a couple of glasses of wine that is about it...My mother in law and sister-in-laws and Tante R made wonderful vegetable options for me lunch and dinner and for breakfast I had my Oatmeal and fresh fruits and vegetables.  I got to try some grains that I have never tried before namely Bulgur...which by the way is FABULOUS!!!  C loved it too and it is definitely something that I will be making at home too. 

This is not to say there were not challenges and temptations along the way.  There were fabulous cakes and tortes that I resisted though my eyes and stomach were begging me  to indulge.   There was a fabulous pig that was cooked over an open flame that looked and smell fabulous. My favorite sausage Weisswurst called to me one morning. There was the day that we spent at a midevil festival and it seems that just like in the US in Germany festival food does not include any healthy options.  There was fabulous ice creams with flavors that sounded very yummy! The Konditeries and Bakeries had scents that wafted through the air and begged to have you consume the fresh baked breads and desserts. Not to mention the wonderful meats, spaetzel, and Potato Salad that my mother in law made that smelled enticing and my body remembered indulging in in the past. Last but certainly not least the challenge of resisting the beers, wines and coffee that I know taste wonderful..instead I drank alot of water and coke zero, that my father in law lovingly made sure were always available at the house.  But all in all, I made it through the these challenges feeling strong and  healthy! 

The flight home was a whole new challenge though....After making it though the long flight home where the healthiest option was a chicken breast with hollandaise sauce!!  ARGHH!!!  I had a Kashi bar and was looking forward to getting back home and having something healthy, but alas the travel gods decided that I needed a new and harder challenge!!!  Our flight home from Philly was delayed!!!  So our three hour layover turned into a 5 hour layover!!  I can hereby attest to the fact that the food options in Philly airport does not include healthy options!!  There were cheesesteaks, gyros, hot dogs, and fried foods galore but not a single healthy low fat option!!  At this point I was planning on having a weight watcher meal that I knew was in my freezer when I finally got home, but the travel gods laughed at my plans!!!  We sat on the tarmac for 3 hours waiting to take off and just as we were about to take off the pilot made the announcement that since we did not manage to take off in the last 15 minutes that the crew would be over the allowed the travel hours so we had to go back to the gate......we deplaned and went to the long line at the customer service center were another 2 hours were spent rebooking our flight and being told that they did not have any hotel rooms left to give out...Luckily status has some privileges...I was able to get a hotel room at a Marriott hotel in downtown Philly when most of the hotels were sold out!!  The airline will be getting the bill, but I am not optimistic that I will see any money!!  We got to the hotel about 1:00 am and the only options that were available Chinese or Pizza delivery or the 7-11 across the street.  F and I headed across the street to 7-11, stressed out and hungry.  I found a Fiber One bar and junk food a plenty for C and F.  I was so tempted in the that damn 7-11 to just buy chips, ice cream, and candy to deal with the stress, but I resisted thanks to F, who kept me sane. 

Breakfast this morning was some oatmeal that I still had left over from my travels and some fruit from the club lounges complimentary breakfast buffet.  We got home and even though it was pouring rain, I went out in a downpour and flooded streets to load up the fridge with something other than the chocolate that F and C brought home from Germany.  

So now for accomplishments!!! I climbed up a hill that in past I would not have been able to do at all and while the thin air got to me I was able to accomplish this task without feeling like I was dying.  I went to LegoLand in Germany and there was not a ride that I could  not ride.  2 years ago when we went to Disney, this was not the case!!  I walked around cities in Germany and never once felt tired or winded.  I conquered my fear of airplane bathrooms!!

Tomorrow I have to face the scale, but I do not care what it says I made the choices that were the best for me at the time and I made it through this experience feeling better about myself!!

Well that is all for now!!  I have missed you all!!!  Talk to you later!!!

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