Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The President Visits and starts my day off stressful...

So the President is visiting LA and when I left for work it took twice as long for my cab to get to the hotel because the secret service was closing the streets around my hotel. I got to work just as my morning conference call was starting.  Once it was over, I was hungry so I headed down to the little restaurant by my office.  They have the best muffins and they are always really good..today's flavor was Blueberry Almond. I decided to not have the muffin and instead I had the low fat, no sugar oat bran scone. It was Strawberry Apricot and really yummy.  I also got a strawberry banana smoothie.  I had to go to a meeting in ED right before lunch and when I got back to the office I decided to get lunch before my afternoon meetings hit. I ordered a grill chicken sandwich and salad. I ate half the sandwich and was not hungry anymore so the salad and the sandwich went in the fridge. Work was busy. we have lots of build to get in before we have a build freeze so I was working steadily all day. At five, I left work and headed back to the hotel.  For dinner, I had a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with avocado and fruit.  The fruit was a yummy desert and great end to the day.  I am now chilling and watching the TV. 

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