Saturday, March 17, 2012

The choices were worth it

So I finally weighed in after my two and half weeks in California and I lost 6 pounds. That puts the grand total at 95 pounds...I can see the triple digits in my near future...It is not the amount that I typically have lost in the same period of time, but when you take in to account the crazy hours that I was working and how half the time I would eat and then immediately fall asleep, I am happy with the results.  I know that if I had made different choices, like partaking the daily buffet feasts that the results would have been much different. 

On to a new topic, I have always said that this is not a diet, it is a life style change that I needed to make in order to be healthy.  I make the best choices I can and ones that I feel that I can live with for the long term.   That said I knwo that there are "Diets" out there that would accelerate my weight loss, not that losing 95 pounds in 5 months is not an amazing amount of weight, but they would be short term changes that I would not be able to maintain and then I would be right back were I started or worse yet heavier than when I started.  The latest suggestion is that I do Adkins and cut all carbohydrates out of my diet.  I know all about Ketosis and how it can cause your body to break down fats and yes even the protiens in your body when the body is starved of sugar.  But I can not be carbohydrate free for the rest of my life.  I enjoy fruits, cereals, and yes even starches too much to cut them from my life totally.  If I told myself, "YOU CAN NOT HAVE THAT"  then mentally I am going to start craving it and then I am going to resent that I can not have it. I may be able to continue to avoid them while I am actively trying to lose weight, but when I reached my goal I would go right back to eating them.   I never tell myself that I can not have something, I simply ask myself is it worth to me to have whatever it is that is tempting me at the time.  Most of time the answer is no, but for example I really like avacado, I know that it contains fat, but it is a non processed fat and it is worth it to me have it. Do I eat it 3 times a day every but once in a while the taste is worth it to me.

So NO, I am not going to cut all carbohydrates out of my life, I can't and I won't!!  Gosh I am stubborn.

Talk to you later..

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, Crystal. I too think that cutting something out is not sustainable. You are doing it the right way.
