Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My daughter makes me smile, but worry too...

 Lets start with the food for today, I could not decide between Kashi Cereal or Carrots this morning for breakfast.  Luckily some friends convinced me to go for the was the Honey Sunshine and oh so good.  A 3/4 cup and I was not hungry again until around 2:00 pm which meant that I had to go pick C up from school.  She loves when I am home because she does not go to aftercare at school but instead I pick her up in the car lane. So I grabbed a Luna Bar to eat while I waited in the car line.  It was good and I was filled up after eating it.  As soon as C gets in the car, she tells me she got her interim report card and got all A's.  God, I love the fact that she is such a good girl.  but it gets better just wait.  We came home, I had more work to do so I was working and she was doing her homework. 

After her home work was finished, she said she was hungry and  she wanted Chicken Noodle soup for dinner.  I try to convinced her to wait for F to get home but she said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed early so she could do well on her test tomorrow.  I made her the soup and then got on a conference call.  After she finshed her soup, she wanted to have a couiple of Oreo's. I told her to go ahead and then C says, "Mommy do you want one?"  I told her No that I did not want one because I am not eating food like that.  Her response, "How long are you going to be eating healthy?"  I told her forever that this is not a thig I am doing until I meet a certain goal but I want to stay that way.  C says, "Mommy you look great...I love you...You are so pretty!"  I told her that I want to be healthy so I can be around for a long time and she said, "I think you look healthy.."  Oh so sweet and she did not even ask for anything after the compliments. I love the fact that my daughter loves me just the way I am, but I worry that I have set such a bad example for her.  I never want her to experience what it is like to be overweight. 

Dinner tonight was baked chicken...really good.  F did not get home until late and guess who was still up.  It seems the tiredness and wanting to go to bed wore off when she saw one of her shows on TV. I did not eat until after she was in bed so I ate at 8:45 pm.  When I finished, I still felt slightly hungry, but I made the decision to let my dinner sit for about an hour and have something to drink.  I am thinking that in a hour, I won't be hungry and if I am then I will half a small scoop of frozen yogurt and throw some Kashi Go Lean Crunch on top. The whole dessert is 100 calories, but as I sit here right now typing away, I am realizing I am not hungry anymore, so no frozen yogurt tonight.

So now for a little rant...Why is it okay to post some picture of an overweight stranger usually a female on you facebook page so that you and your friends can ridicule how she looks and "How Disgusting" she is all in order to some how make yourself feel better about yourself?  It is like the opinion is that she is overweight so she deserves the ridicule.  It makes me so angry. The sad part is some of the people that do it are people that I really like as a person in real life.  But it makes me wonder, if I have seriously misjudged that person's character.  Just a little rant..every one has a different sense of humor and mine does not find it amusing to ridicule others for how they look whether you know them or not..

Alright, I am done ranting and it time to me to watch a little TV with F and think about how truly blessed I am...I am loved...I have great friends both near and far. I have great family.  I have a great job. My biggest problem is that I have had the money to indulge too much and made the wrong choices about food, but I am also have the ability to afford to buy good healthy food that can nourish my body.  I have people that support me on here and help me nourish my soul and find the love for myself again.

Thanks to everyone who is joining me one this journey!  I appreciate you!

Take Care....

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