Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are your clothes feeling looser yet?

I left off last night heading to my daughter's soccer game. They won 2-0 and C stopped  shots on goal when she was in goalie and played her heart out on defense the other 2 quarters.  Afterward, the girls wanted pizza sowe headed to the pizza place.  I would tell you about the jerk that tried to bait me into going off.  Not a smart move to do to someone that is eating healthy and in a pizza restaurant smelling the delicous scent of melted cheese and baking dough. He almost succeeded but thankfully my husband knowing that I can go off  and the other adults helped me calm down. Hopefully the other adults do not think badly of me but I have my family's temper when I perceive that that you bad behavior is affecting my child!! You could call me names and be a jerk to me and I would probably just flip you off, but I am like a Mama Bear on crack when it comes to my child. Anyway, I was not hungry at the pizza place so I just had a diet soda and watched the others eat. It was nice just to have a conversation. Once we got home, C went to bed and F and I watched a little TV and then F went to bed and I stayed up a while longer and ended up falling asleep downstairs :-(  That sucks because I have to work tonight because we are taking some new code at work and I am working the installation remotely and I fly out to CA on Monday.  

I got up this  morning and it weigh in day.  So I here is the news you are all waiting for.....Loss another 9 pounds for a 2 week total of 20.5 pounds and that is when the little size 2 girl that was weighing me asked...Are your clothes feeling looser yet?  NO not yet, I wish!! I am still in the I do not feel like I have lost any weight stage. I can see no noticable difference in anything.  I know it will come and I am looking forward to the day when someone says "you are looking good! Have you lost weight?  I can answer proudly that yes I have.  Until then I will continue to know that I am making healthier choices and making sure that I will be around for awhile.. Heck some day, I may be the hot mom.  Until then I keep thinking I CAN DO IT!!!

Thanks everyone!

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