Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why are women judged so harshly.....

You can probably tell tonight is going to be one of those blogs where I rant a little and yes it is issue that is close to my women are judged!!! 

I will start with my food today..I had a strawberry peach non fat no sugar Oat bran muffin.  Lunch was Salmon and grilled veggies.  Dinner was a tomato and a weigh watcher meal...I know boring right...I just did not feel like eating out tonight. I really want to curl up and throw the covers over my head and think about how it sucks to be judged sometimes....

We are all judged every now and then...whether it is work, home, or something as simple as what we eat, wear, or how we do our hair.  Some of these are favorable judgements and some are not so favorable. It seems to me sometimes that women are judged more harshly than our male counterparts and it has been this way throughout time. 

I struggled with these judgement issues all my life when dealing with my weight issues...there is a reason why the diet industry focuses on women....Overweight women are made to feel unattractive by our society.  Things are said like "She would be so cute if she only lost some weight"   Overweight girls struggle with finding a guy who can appreciate her curves.  Female celebrities are plastered on the front page of tabloids when they gain weight.  Where as over weight guys do not seem to struggle with these same issues, the exception being the gay community but that is a different topic all together..  I remember feeling like such an outcast throughout highschool, because I did not have a boyfriend, but the over weight guys I went to school with did not seem to have any problems getting a girl.   I was lucky and found a guy that loved me for who I was not how much I weighed, so they are out there but few and far between.  Is it any wonder that tween girls are fasted growing group that are becoming anorexic?  The sad part is for women this judgement leads to self loathing which leads to eating which leads to gaining more weight.  It is a vicious cycle. 

Sadly, weight is not the only area in our lives where we are judged....and sadly it is not just the opposite sex that participates in the judging!!  Over the last 2 years I have not only faced judgements about my weight, but also about my career and family.... The fact that I travel and work away from home as part of my career has led many to judge me to be a "bad" mother and wife.  Things are said to me like "At least I stay home and take care of my children instead of galivanting off to California!!" or "It easy to be a perceived as a good mom when you are rarely home."  Okay if a guy traveled for his job, whether he is a truck driver that does long distance driving, a CEO that has to travel for his business, or a consultant like me, he is viewed to be doing what is necessary to provide for his family and therefore a good provider, husband, and father, yet as a working woman and business owner I am viewed as a lousy absentee mother and wife that cares more about my career than my family.  This leads to me feeling guilty about being gone and in the past I would feed this guilt with food, but not anymore!!  I have broken this cycle!!  So instead of feeling guilty, I am going to confront those judgements right here tonight!!!  I am a DAMN good mother and wife!!  Everything I do is for my family and making sure we have the best life possible!!  I work my ass off and yes part of my job involves having to get on a plane and travel across the country, but guess what???   I make sure my family is taken care of even when I am thousand of miles away!!  My family has always come first to me!   In fact, I think that I am being a great example for my young daughter, I am showing her that a woman can be successful business woman and a mother.  If you think that my job makes me a bad mother or wife or any other label that you want to put on me than please keep it to yourself, because the next person that says this about me will see a side of me that they do not want me to see.

Now that I have ranted, I have to say that I am also very blessed that I have people in my life that support me and are proud of my every accomplishment, whether it is my weight loss or my career...and these friends and family members are the people that know me better than everyone.  I am grateful for every single one of them and listing them would take forever and they remind me that those people that judge others for what ever reason, whether it is weight, career, or hairstyle are usually doing it because of jealousy or desire to make themselves feel better about their life and choices.  Fighting that is impossible, so the better tact is to ignore the haters and let them be miserable. The best revenge is to enjoy your life right? 

Rant over...take care of yourself and be happy in your own skin...I am learning how to do that every day!!!

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