Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another week and more weight lost....

I am going to start with the weigh in results for this week.  Another 3 pounds lost...brings the total to 115 pounds off my body and I feel fabulous.  It is amazing to me that if you told me today that I had to wear a vest that had 115 pounds in it and do everything I usually do that I would probably last 15 minutes before I would be unable to move anymore, but I carried that weight around on a daily basis and never said a word.  No wonder I was tired and whined every time F said lets walk downtown.  It makes me so sad to think about all the time that I have wasted not getting this weight off.

I was so frustrated yesterday after my OB/GYN appointment because one of the reasons that motivated em to start this journey was that I have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now (awhile being 3 years)  and while no one said anything I know being obese makes getting pregnant harder.  I really want to have one more child (a little boy if I got my choice in the matter but I would be happy with either). So here I was in the doctor's office, and I have taken active steps towards getting healthy.  I am doing things the right way.  I feeding my body and exercising.  I mentioned that I am still concerned that I have not gotten pregnant and her response was "keep trying" as she headed out the door.....ARGH!!  I wanted more than that!  I wanted a plan, like get your BMI to this level and if you are still having difficulty we will do A to find out why you are not pregnant!!  Anyway that is why I left frustrated. In addition when I mentioned an article that I had read recently that said that the risk for Ovarian Cancer increases every 2 inches over 5'0" your risk for ovarian cancer increases by 7% and for every 2 1/2% your BMI is over 20% that your risk increases by 10%.  This scared me because I am 6'0" tall and can not do anything about that!!!  I mentioned this to her, because I wanted to see if she could do a screening test of any kind.  Her response...I have not heard that..  Case closed she has not read it so it must not be true.   I have the added issues that since my mom died in her 40's that I have not alot to base my maternal history on as far as these type of things go.  My Maternal Grandmother is still living but she has a totally different body type, she is very petite and short.  I just felt like she was rushing and did not want to have any conversations.  As CH said last night, she was probably having a bad day considering that she was running really behind on appointments. 

So now that I have mentioned my mom let me share another motivation to get healthy.  My mom died in her 40's due to misdiagnosed pneumonia.  It was a week from the time, she was admitted to the hospital until she passed away.   It was a very hard time in my life as you can imagine.  She was overweight, but she seemed "overall healthy".   Her sudden death, left me feeling like I am this ticking time bomb that is going to go off some time in my 40's.   I can tell myself that what happened to her was a series of medical errors that all came together, but it is hard to turn off that voice in my head that my mom never made it passed 45. So I am trying to get as healthy as possible before I hit my 40's so that I can know in my heart that I am doing everything possible to be here on this earth for as long as possible!!!

Alright enough depressing stuff!!!  I HAVE LOST 115 POUNDS!!! 

I need to spend time with my wonderful family...including going to see the Chimpanzee Movie this weekend and maybe getting a few tops that fit me...all my shirts are too big, except a couple of tank tops that I bought for yoga. 

Talk to you later!!!

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